Universal Enhancement
Universal LifeStiles, L.L.C.
...Overcoming Life's Obstacles
The Principles and Practices of Building Community
Positive Behavioral Supports
Session 4
Dealing with anger and its consequences is one of the most difficult and important challenges we
face in supporting people with developmental disabilities. This presentation is focused to provide
attendees with “best practice approaches” which will assist them in supporting others in diminishing
the causes of anger. It is through the tools and values of Universal Enhancement (UE) that we
support others in having a life free of the influences that tend to lead toward aggression and other
forms of socially unacceptable behavior.

In this presentation Dr. Pomeranz assesses the medical/biological, psychological/psychiatric and
environmental influences of socially inappropriate behavior. Emphasis is placed on proactive
strategies to identify and respond to the unmet needs of the individual. Limitations of classical
behavior management approaches are discussed. Through example and short story Tom makes it
clear that “anger communicates unmet need.”

Getting a life for people and coaching them into it-- is an effective intervention for supporting
people in behaving in more socially acceptable ways. Supporting people in possessing and
experiencing “things” of value in their lives (hobbies, volunteering, education, spirituality, and
leisure pursuits) noncontigently, promotes a quality life. The quality of one’s life is enhanced when
family, friends and others who support them behave in ways that embrace the tools of UE. Lives
void of value and meaning result in anomie - if my life has no meaning and my life has no value, I
will behave in a way to cause your life to have no meaning and no value either.

(Please Note:  Video quality is degraded in clip due to system of transmission; actual DVD quality is excellent.)

To order this DVD, please visit: Program Development Associates
©Universal LifeStiles, L.L.C.
8126 Wellsbrook Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46278
Phone: (317) 871-2092 | Fax: (317) 871-2096