You would get about easily, and go when and where and as often as you wanted, for there would be adequate transportation for you. You would sample all the world and go back for second helpings of that which pleased you.
You might fall in love. If this happened, you would be able to live with the one you loved and have children if you wanted.
You would worship where you chose.
When important decisions were made that affected your community, and so your life, they would be made by people you knew, and by people you had helped elect to make such decisions.
The world would change and you would change with it in order to live to the fullest. You would take great pleasure in giving back to those around you something of what life had given to you.
When you grew older, you would continue to live where you chose and whatever you needed would be available. And when you died, many people – your friends and family, your spouse, your children, those you worked with, maybe even some people who had never met you – would come to send you off. They’d offer a prayer and listen to a story or two, and maybe tell one of their own about your adventures, while they had something to eat and drink. And a year, or five or ten years later your picture would still be in an album on somebody’s shelf. And when the holidays came around, down would come that album again and you would be remembered with a laugh and a tear.